
株式会社ディリーゴ(以下「当社」といいます。) は、以下に従って個人情報を取り扱います。





  • 書面での直接的な収集
  • ウェブサイトを通じての収集
  • 電子メール・郵便・電話または口頭等の手段による収集
  • 上記以外で個人情報をいただくことが想定される一切の手段による収集




  • お客様からのご要望への対応・サービスの提供のため
  • より良い商品・サービス開発のため
  • お客様が利用されたサービスに関する問い合せ・ご依頼への対応するため(なお、サービスに関して生じた問題・不具合等に対して、お客様にご連絡するなど、お客様よりいただいた情報をもって解決を図る場合があります。)
  • 弊社からのダイレクトメール・電子メールの送付、アンケートの実施、催事・イベントのご案内等のため
  • 契約内容の履行、履行請求等のため
  • 法令等に基づく利用のため
  • 画像の録画による防犯のため
  • お客様とのお電話での会話を録音し、ご購入商品の確認および、お客様に対する電話業務の改善・向上を図るため


  • お取引先との連絡、商談、契約の履行、履行請求等のため
  • 広告媒体、販促物等への掲載のため


  • 採用情報等のご提供、ご連絡、採用選考のため
  • 採用業務管理のため


  • 労務管理等のため
  • 広報使用のため
  • 緊急時等の対応のため



  • 法令に基づく場合
  • 人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合
  • 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要な場合
  • 国の機関若しくは地方公共団体等が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合
  • ご本人を識別できない状態で提供する場合
  • 当社との間で、機密保持契約を締結している協力会社・提携会社および業務委託先会社に対して、利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内で個人情報の取扱いを委託する場合









  • ご依頼のあった情報項目が、保有個人データに該当しない場合
  • 本人確認および代理権確認ができない場合
  • 本人または第三者の生命、身体、財産その他の権利利益を害するおそれがある場合
  • 当社の業務の適正な実施に著しい支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合
  • 他の法令に違反することとなる場合





Handling of Personal Information

Dirigo, Inc., (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) handles personal information according to the following.

1. Definition of Personal Information

“Personal information” means any information that makes it possible to identify an individual by using such information either alone or in combination with any other information, which includes, but is not limited to, the individual’s name, date of birth, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and use of services, as well as the contents of inquiries and requests, browsing history of the Company’s website, and other descriptions acquired by means specified by the Company in 2 “Means of Collecting Personal Information.”

2. Means of Collecting Personal Information

The Company will acquire personal information by the following means.

  • Collection directly from the individual concerned in writing
  • Collection through the website
  • Collection by e-mail, postal mail, phone, oral means, and any other means
  • Other than the above, collection by any means that may be used to obtain personal information

3. Purposes of Use of Personal Information

Except for cases falling under any of the following items, the Company will not use personal information for any purpose other than the purposes of use announced in advance.

3-1. Personal information related to customers

  • To respond to demands from customers or to provide services to customers
  • To develop better products and services
  • To respond to inquiries and requests related to services used by customers (however, the Company may resolve the matter using the information provided by a customer, such as cases where the Company contacts the customer for any problem or defect arising out of services)
  • To send a direct mail or e-mail, send out questionnaires, provide information on events including special events, and for other similar purposes
  • To fulfill the provisions of the contract, to demand the performance thereof, and for other similar purposes
  • To use services pursuant to laws and regulations
  • To prevent a crime by recording images
  • To confirm purchased articles and to improve and upgrade telephone services to customers by recording phone conversations with customers

3-2. Personal information relating to clients

  • To communicate and have business talks with clients, to fulfill the obligations of the contract and to demand for the performance thereof, and for other similar purposes
  • To post personal information on advertising media and promotional materials

3-3. Personal information relating to applicants for employment

  • To provide employment information to applicants, to communicate with applicants, and to select applicants
  • To manage recruitment and selection processes

3-4. Personal information relating to employees

  • To conduct labor management and other similar purposes
  • To use personal information for publication
  • To respond to an emergency event and for other similar purposes

4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Except for cases falling under any of the following items, the Company will not provide personal information to any third party without obtaining the prior consent of the individual concerned.

  • Cases pursuant to laws and regulations
  • Cases where the use of personal information is necessary for the preservation of human life, body, or property
  • Cases where personal information is particularly necessary to enhance public hygiene or promote the fostering of healthy children
  • Cases where it is necessary to cooperate with a national authority, local government, or any other similar body in executing affairs prescribed by laws and regulations.
  • Cases where personal information is provided in a form whereby a principal is not identifiable
  • Cases where the Company entrusts the handling of personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use to any cooperative company, partner company, and outsourcing company with whom the Company has entered into the confidentiality agreement.

5. Joint Use of Personal Information

The Company may jointly use personal information collected from customers. In such case, the Company will enter into the agreement with the joint user and manage the personal information in the proper way.

6. Handling of Specific Sensitive Personal Information

The Company will not acquire, use, or provide to any third party any sensitive information (meaning any information related to a political opinion, religion, participation in a labor union, race, ethnic group, family origin, permanent address, health care, etc.), except for cases pursuant to laws and regulations, cases where the Company obtains the consent of the individual concerned to the extent necessary for the performance of business operations, or other similar cases.

7. Disclosure and Correction of Personal Information and Other Inquiries

The Company will respond properly and swiftly to the request from a principal, who is the subject of personal information, for disclosure or correction of the personal information held by the Company as well as to address complaints, consultations, and other inquiries regarding the personal information.

8. Handling When Having Decided Not to Disclose

Please note that if any of the following applies, the Company will not disclose personal information. When the Company decides not to disclose personal information, the Company will notify the principals to that effect with the reason therefor.

  • Cases where the requested information item does not fall under the retained personal data.
  • Cases where the Company is unable to verify the principal’s identification or the right of representation
  • Cases where there is a possibility of harming the principal’s or third party’s life, body, property, or other rights and interests
  • Cases where there is a possibility of interfering seriously with the Company implementing its business properly
  • Cases of violating the Act on the Protection of Personal Information or any other law or regulation

9. Instructions Concerning Procedures for Disclosure and Correction of Personal Information

The Company may contact a principal by phone to ensure the verification of the principal’s identification. Please note that the Company may require some time until disclosure depending on the contents of a disclosure item. The Company will use personal information, which is acquired by the Company through procedures for disclosure to conduct an investigation for such procedures, verify the principal’s or representative’s identification, and respond to the application for disclosure. With respect to personal information held by the Company, in the event that the Company suspends the use of or deletes all or part of the information upon the request of the principal, the Company may unfortunately not be able to provide services that meet the principal’s request. The Company appreciates the principal’s understanding and cooperation. (With respect to information held by the Company pursuant to the relevant laws and regulations, the Company may not to be able to meet the principal’s request for the suspension of use or deletion of the information.)